• +(317) - 503 - 1296
  • info@autismparentcare.com

About Us

About Us

A Brain Mapping Company

We use state of the art EEG software for clinical and research purposes in the visualization of brain activity and connectivity. Using conventional EEG and state-of-the-art quantitative EEG (qEEG) that is collected through a cap, the brainwave signal is compared to a database of normal individuals.

This is what the company I work for does. I am so very excited for this project to begin and hope that we can somehow become involved! Yay for credibility!

The client will be monitored through analysis of EEG traces which can be seen on screen while being tested. The data is run through a rigorous amount of checking to ensure validity so that you can get an accurate account of severity.

For clients who require more information regarding the findings of the EEG, we have resources comparing normal circuitry to results. Together with the client, clinicians of the company seek to explore long term life-style modifications that would maximize stability in the affected areas of the brain. A harmonious adjustment of symptoms-to-lifestyle in a natural, non-invasive way is our goal.

We are a service-based company

Indiana Brain Mapping’s staff is well trained and qualified in the neuroscience of brain circuits in various mental disorders. Our staff has performed brain maps on individuals with autism, depression, bipolar disorders, various learning disorders, and early onset Alzheimer’s disease. Services including detailed report writing are available to support requests for special consideration in school and/or social security disability insurance (SSDI or SSI).

Service contracts are available for specialized intervention post brain mapping. Please note that our intervention is based more on a common sense that correspond to yours and you child’s inner wisdom, and less on professional jargon. Ultimately, the control of your child’s brain performance is at the hands of your child.


Our goal here at Indiana Brain Mapping is simple; to help individuals achieve stability in brain function so that they can have control over a brain condition that they had previously believed out of reach. We assist the client in finding carefully researched activities designed to complement and/or salvage compromised brain circuits in hopes that brain regrowth can occur for long term results. We strive to give back to the person who he or she really is- without labels.
